February 20, 2020
Hi everyone! This is my first entry in Pink World. The purpose of this site is to include more personal, special interest content of a "girly" nature. Of course all these sites are always a work in progress! I also hope that the vanity (makeup, skincare, and nailpolish) and tea sections will inspire me to organize my collections. ^_^' I also came across an interesting page today: mobile phone museum. There exists a very large collection of mobile phones at my parent's house, the oldest phones going back to the early 90's (big brick style). I think it would be fun to make a page dedicated to that too, but probably on another sub-site. I have already made a sub-site called "the void" that I feel this type of content would be suited to. I could also include some stuff on astonomy, radios, and technology.
Well I just came back from my therapy appointment and it got a little intense, lol. Feeling very sensitive and emotional right now. So just obsessing over very small details on the site. Then again, that isn't anything too unusual. I have a lot of work to do on it so far. I want to define headers and links which I haven't really done yet. I suppose I will now. I also would like to add a shadow to this "entry" div. But most of all, I just want to add more text to the second half of this entry, so that it appears more "balanced" with the divider in place.